In need of efficiency? Ask the most laid-back employee.

When making an omelet, do you cut all the parts into small pieces in different bowls before taking a third bowl where you whisk together eggs and milk? I used to do that too, but not anymore. I have been on a work trip with an energy-saving nine—a peace lover. She made an omelet for lunch and saved both electricity and time by doing dishes in one act.

The omelette was made like this: the eggs were put directly in the frying pan, mixed with milk and spices there, then she put ready-sliced cheese and ham on top (of course she used packaged slices) and put the lid on. Before long, she was done.She does other things too. Forwards emails that in my picture should have been rewritten into her own words; she gets away with it most of the time. She travels with only hand luggage, if possible. Carrying a suitcase is so tiring, and she packs efficiently and smartly.

I learned to look for efficiency opportunities from a nine when I once challenged her on how relaxed she could be. Indolence is a vice many nines have; they can put off things they should have done, but she certainly didn't recognize it! She described saving energy in order to have enough strength to create harmony in her working community. Obviously, you nines save energy. Without even thinking about it, you become efficiency experts. Nines are the most obvious lean consultants we can choose.

I hang out a lot with nines and connect with their calmness and positivity. It upsets me when the email is not rewritten, and my writing is used without being adapted. When they reply without even having read the whole email. Or they put off finishing things that are important to me, and in addition, they are late because they forgot time.

I know when nines do something important to them, something they like and have chosen themselves, the momentum increases. The text is written and sent quickly, the rucksack is packed quickly, and the phone call is answered immediately. When they are connected and motivated, they become faster than lightning and efficient like few!

If you lead a nine and become annoyed with delayed deliveries and slow speed, ask them what helps them get things done and involve them in creating deadlines. Feel free to ask them what could be made easier. Peace lovers don't always know it themselves, but they have the ability to find shortcuts and cut down on processes and usually get away with it—perhaps because they are also very nice and sociable people.

The core qualities of a nine are that they are harmonious, sociable, and calm. The pitfall when there are too much of the core qualities is that they are perceived as sluggish, conflict avoidant, and procrastinating. Areas of development are to be active, decisive, and clear. They are allergic to negativity, disharmony, and conflict.

Kristin Aaseenneagram, english